Facebook & Instagram Marketing Campaign

Requester's name:(Required)
Requester's email:(Required)
Approver's name:(Required)
Please give the name of the supervisor that is authorizing the ad. If same as the requester, input your name again.
This will be used for tracking/billing purposes and used when posting to social media.
Post Start Date:(Required)
Post End Date:(Required)
If doing a video campaign and the video still needs to be produced, give an approximate date when you would like to start/finish running the ad. Please submit form at least 3 days in advance of campaign start date. It can take Meta up to 48hrs to approve ad.
The Communications Office will assist you in creating the text and submitted to you for review prior posting.
Is this for an event?
If this campaign is to promote an event, meaning it has a date, time, and location (can be online) we recommend posting as an Event.
Campaign media:(Required)
This will be the image or video you wish to use.
Targeted audience
Targeting allows you to get the most of your social media campaign. You can target the audience your service is designed for, or you can only target those that are more likely to engage in your service. This allows you to get the best “bang for your buck”. However, if you want/need to be all-inclusive, you’ll want to include as many people as possible.
Targeted locations:(Required)
Targeted platforms:(Required)
$80 minimum. For a statewide campaign, we recommend a minimum of $750 for 2 weeks.

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